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What kind of people wear blue-blocking glasses?

Release Time:2023-02-07 15:54:40      Hit Count:126

These three groups recommend wearing blue-blocking glasses

1. Suitable for screen workers with dry eye symptoms: because blocking short wave blue light can improve the stability of the tear film in patients with dry eye, blue light blocking glasses can reduce the visual fatigue of screen workers.

2. Suitable for people with macular degeneration: the penetration of short-wave blue light to people with fundus lesions is stronger than that of normal people, so wearing anti-blue light glasses may have a certain effect.

3. Suitable for people engaged in special work: such as glass firing, welding workers: this group of people may be exposed to large doses of blue light irradiation, so more professional protective glasses are needed to protect the retina.

These two types of people are really not suitable for wearing

1. Not suitable for teenagers and children who want to prevent myopia: Currently, there is no evidence that wearing blue-blocking glasses can slow the development of myopia, and the background color of blue-blocking glasses is yellowish, which may affect the visual development of children.

2. It is not suitable for people who have requirements for color recognition: blue glasses will block blue light, expose the complementary color yellow of blue, and distort the color of the screen. Therefore, it may affect the work of these people to some extent.

So, different wavelengths of blue light affect the eye differently. Short-wave blue light is what we need to prevent, and blue light blocking glasses won't prevent myopia, but they can improve dry eye symptoms. And it's not for everyone

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